In P.E, we did a fitness test once, but we did the beep test two times. Here are my results.
For the beep test, in the first week I made it to 2.3, on the 22nd of July I made it to 4.3. I think I improved because I was used to it the second time we did it. I am proud of myself for improving and the next time I will strive to be better.
We had to do a standing measure where we stand straight up without being off the ground, and then we try and reach as far as we can while standing. I got 1.93, and I am still proud of myself, even thought I could probably reach better.
Then we had to do a Jumping measure where we then had to jump and try and get as far up as you can. I got 2.22, which is pretty good, I definitely could've gotten a better score.
We had to do the sit and reach test, which you have to sit without bending your knees and then try and push the bar as far as you can. I got 2 cm. It was hard for me because I'm really inflexible. I could improve a lot.
Then we had to do the abdominal conditioning test. The test was doing sit ups while putting your hands by your ears to make it harder. I did 13 sit ups. I think I could do better, because it wasn't that challenging.
Then we did the grip strength test, which involved squeezing your fist (only one, not two.) and trying to get the two ends of the hand grip to touch the other. Personally, it was really hard for me because my hands are weak. That's why I got a score of 0. There is definitely room for improvement there.